Meet our Committee
The choir is run by our committee:
Chair: Vacancy
Secretary: Angela Houlston
Treasurer: Ian Simmons
Membership Secretary: Richard Brooke
Librarian: Priscilla Goldby
Concert Manager: Eddie Murphy
Publicity Coordinator: Catherine Muir
CROP representative: Jackie Wheatley
Concert Fixing Co-ordinator: Anne Stewart
Social Activities Co-ordinator: Anjali Shah
Making Music representative: Ruth Newman
Member without portfolio: Catherine Gundry, Rachael Farnsworth
Our conductor, Sally Mears and accompanist, Maureen Cooper, are ex officio members of the committee.
Other members of the choir help with one-off tasks.
Our regular performers
We are lucky to have some marvellous regular performers, among them:
Georgina Malcolm, Soprano
Serenna Wagner, Alto
Julian Littlewood, Organist
The orchestra
Members of the Headington Singers Orchestra are selected from local amateur and professional musicians and they come together for our performances only.
We have occasionally worked in partnership with existing orchestras, including the Radcliffe Orchestra.